Friday, June 19, 2009

Here we go again...

“We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”—E.M. Forester
There has been so much that has happened in the past month, past 6 months, past year, past two years, past three years... that leaves my head spinning... Where I was, where I was planning on going, where I am now, where I am currently going.

Before I used to be a master of my emotions rather than letting my emotions get the best of me. Now, I find myself having lots of joy, and also having lots of sadness. Getting upset at weird little stuff, and laughing at even stranger things.
Throughout it all I find myself asking a couple questions:
If you got into trouble and could only call 5 people (non-family) to try and help you out of it, to be there for you, and who would be there for you (either by calling someone else to be there for you, or hopping the next plane, skipping work/class) who would you call? Who can you really count on? I know the people I'd drop everything and have dropped everything for (I have a college transcript to show for it)... would they do the same for me? Is it worth it?
What kind of friendships do I want in my life and what kind of friendships are the most valuable?

It may be true that people come into our lives for reasons, seasons, or lifetimes... but is there any real reason that true friendships shouldn't last a lifetime? I've always thought the most valuable friendships were the ones that go both ways. The ones where both people put forth effort and aren't afraid to communicate. Trouble seems to arise when one person dominates and is not very flexible or accommodating. Trouble can also arise if one person is too accommodating to the point where they stop thinking for themself. I think ultimately the big reasons why a lot of friendships fail or go into the reason/season categories are out of selfishness, self-centeredness, or apathy. One person or both decide that they can't get anything from the other person (fun, knowledge, happy things), the friendship is too emotionally draining to the point where time seems to be wasted versus being well spent, or the lack of caring to the point of not having strong feelings one way or the other.

“We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”—E.M. Forester

Sometimes things just don't work out how we hope or plan... That's another fact of life... The universe doesn't care... Our lives are so miniscule in the grand scheme of things... Take a look outside at the night sky sometime and see all the stars... billions of miles away... shining light that left the stars millions of years ago... Numbers that are unfathomable when measured up against humanity's limitations.  I guess the lesson learned is that sometimes you just have to let go of that rock you're holding onto in the river, stop trying to fight the current, and let life take you to where you're 'really' supposed to be going.

On a lighter note... here's a great music video and song that moved it's way into my top 10 favorites: