Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I think I've told this story before, but I'm posting in case it might be new to you. :)

One evening I was taking a box of stuff down to my car from my office, when I shared an elevator ride down with an older gentleman who was also taking a box of stuff down to his car. We struck up a conversation and then he proceeded to tell me a joke about perception:

There was this man who worked in a diamond mine. At the entrance of the mine there was a guard to make sure the workers weren't stealing diamonds when they left at the end of the day. Every day the man would come out with a wheelbarrow full of dirt, and the guard searched him and the wheelbarrow. The guard poked at the dirt to see if there were any rocks or ore inside, made him empty the wheelbarrow, did a strip search, but each time, the guard was unable to find any diamonds on the man. Finally, the guard had enough and confronted the man saying, "I know you've been stealing diamonds from this mine, how have you been doing it?" The man just smiled and replied, "Since this is my last day, I'll let you in on my secret. I haven't been stealing diamonds, I've been stealing wheelbarrows!"

The joke being finished the gentleman smiled and told me, "I guess we're stealing boxes, huh?"

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